“To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.” ― T.F. Hodge
I talk a lot about balance in my in person classes, and it's a favorite subject of mine to teach. Why is that, you might be wondering. It's because it frustrates people. I never see more irritated people than in a balance flow. They're not irritated with me, though. They're irritated with themselves for struggling. And that's why it's a favorite of mine to focus on. Because I also get annoyed with myself when I struggle, whether that be on the yoga mat, on the side of a mountain, or in my business. For our brain, struggle is the same, be it physical or mental. We're going to have the same reaction to it. And the more we practice moving through struggle, shaky legs, and off kilter postures, the easier it will be for us to move through struggle off the mat. We have to find balance. The balance between letting go of expectations (perfect warrior III) and accepting what is (tapping your toe down in eagle). And finding the joy in the process. Rewiring our brains to remain calm, to laugh, to let go of embarrassment so that we have the space to create the balance we want so much. So, in today's free class, balance is the key. And if you focus, and have fun, you will leave with more clarity and more confidence. And if you don't stick the poses perfectly this time? Who cares! Gold star for trying!
“What you focus on expands. So focus on what you want, not what you do not want.” ― Esther Jno-Charles
If you want expansion in your life, (who doesn't?), then you need to focus on that expansion. No one wants to stay stuck where they are. Everyone has something that they would like to make greater, right? But in order to make something great, you have to stretch the boundaries of where you are now. That can be in body, but it can also be in mind. You have to break out of what is comfortable to expand into greatness. (Otherwise we all stay mediocre at best). We do this each time we challenge ourselves on the yoga mat. Here, in this sacred space, we stretch into possibility. We grow in confidence as well as strength. We learn where we're at, and we expand our horizons by contemplating what could be. So in today's 30 minute power vinyasa, I invite you to stretch beyond what you think is possible(metaphorically yeah? Don't go trying to bend your leg the wrong way). Energetically reach beyond mediocre and open your mind to the possibilities that await youwhen you step beyond your comfort zone. ✨ And if you're watching this on YouTube, leave me a ⚡ so I know that you're part of this community! BONUS! Comment below and let me know how you're expanding outside of your comfort zone! |
December 2023
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