“When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.” ―Kahlil Gibrán
It is a wonderful week, is it not? Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year and the beginning of the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere, had us starting out this week on an energetic high! As you know, when we align with the energies of nature, of the moon for example, we align with universal flow and can create and manifest the life we desire with ease. This is why we practice moon circles and intention setting rituals: to help align with lunar energy. Because, SURPRISE! We naturally take part in that energy, even if we don't recognize it anymore. A woman's body naturally sinks with the ebb and flow of the moon, just as the waves in the ocean respond to her pull. Through modernization, though, we have forgotten this, which is why it's good, from time to time at least, to reconnect. Anyway, did you know that we can also align our energy with the sun? As the moon cycle is something that we work with each month, the sun is something we work with on a yearly basis, by celebrating the equinoxes and the solstices. The spring equinox was a time for renewal, celebrating the rebirth that comes after winter. This summer solstice, which marks the beginning of Cancer season, is a time of patience and nourishment, a time to turn inward and nurture the light within, as the sun provides the light without. Oh, but the summer solstice isn't the only exciting thing about this week! We also had International Day of Yoga on Monday! Though I believe we should all be practicing yoga every day, IDY is definitely the day to get on the mat! What flow did you practice? Hit reply and let me know! The energy of hundreds of thousands of people finding self-awareness on the mat has the power to change the world. And finally, after all of this talk of energies, let's add one final one. The chakras. You may remember that a few weeks ago I shared a class on the Sacral Chakra? Well, now we hop all the way up to the Third Eye Chakra, Ajna (pronounced Ahg-nya) which means to perceive or command. This is the seat of intuition, another skill set that many have lost in modern times, myself included. Located in the Pineal Gland, Ajna is also home to your imagination and your dreams, so it is incredibly important for this space to be clear in order for you to have those dreams to reach for! This class is designed to breathe life into this all important energy center, with the hope of unblocking it and allowing connection to return to the Divine (however you perceive the Divine). So, if for some reason you did not practice on IDY, then make sure you hop on this vinyasa flow today! xoxo, Dylan PS: Want to practice live with me? Meet me at Garfield Park in South Pasadena on Wednesday at 5:45p, or Saturday at 9:30a. Reserve your spot HERE and use code FIRSTTIME to get your first class free :) PPS: Want to get in depth alignment help, a strong workout, some fun yoga philosophy, and my attention fully on your practice? Start your 1:1 yoga practice with me today! Classes held in person or via zoom. Book yours HERE!
“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”
- Earl Nightingale Good morning! If you've been around me for any amount of time, you will have gathered that I am a big dreamer. I always have been and I suspect that I always will be. Move to the other side of the world? Easy peasy. Let's go! Build a business from the ground up to support a particular lifestyle? Sounds better than the alternative... let's give it a try! Dream big or go home, that's what I say! Ha! I'm kidding. But honestly. I've never understood how people can be content with playing small, moving down the road from where they grew up, following the path laid out for them with the one job that they have for the rest of their lives. That kind of life terrifies me. There's nothing wrong with that kind of life. I've learned that kind of life can provide stability for those who need it; that following that path can provide space to prioritize other things, like families or wealth. But that path is not for me. And for those of you who dream bigger dreams than the life you're living right now, whatever that looks like for you, I AM FOR IT! Dreams don't happen unless you make moves toward them. They can be messy. They might not always work. But you have to make the moves or, I can guarantee you, in ten years you'll be exactly where you are right now. So. Go make move! And this week's class will help you make those moves! What better place to build up the strength to push through obstacles? What better place to try new things and stumble? What better place to try new things and succeed? Yoga is not only on the mat, my friend. Yoga starts within you, sometimes on the mat, and often not. Yoga is the way you live your life, the way you stretch toward your dreams, and the way you trust that your practice will catch you if you fall. xoxo, Dylan PS: There has been a change to the weekly live classes in Pasadena! Our Wednesday classes are now at 5:45, while our Saturday classes remain at 9:30. If you're local, I would love to see you there! Reserve your spot HERE and use code FIRSTTIME to get your first class free :) |
December 2023
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