12/27/2020 0 Comments Meditation to Move Energy
“Undisturbed calmness of mind is attained by cultivating friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and indifference toward the wicked.”
– Patanjali, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali I write to you once again from the isolation zone that is my bedroom, because my stepdad has tested positive and I was in his vicinity on Christmas. Happy days happy days! But it's ok. It truly is. Why? Because it's testing me. It's testing me to change the way I see things, to self-motivate, to tuck and roll with the punches that life is giving me. One of the most profound things I've learned from yoga is that everything is a teacher. Every obstacle a lesson. Every situation an opportunity for growth. I'm leaning into that in a big way right now. That and my yoga practice. This weeks free class is a meditation that is available inside the Yoga Infusion Studio (if you haven't checked it out yet, I HIGHLY recommend doing so! From one of our members: "I've been meaning to say thank you to you for the community you have created. I have missed the community you find in a traditional yoga studio, and really crave that interaction. Your community is giving me what I need. It feels so good to be able to interact with like minded people." K.K.) Anyway...this meditation is from DeZenBer, where we focused on slowing down and moving the energy through breathwork and posture, rather than intensity. I know it's a bit different from what we normally do here on Yoga Infusion, but I figure, as we move into 2021, there's no better time than to make a few changes. Speaking of changes, I have a big one that I've been nervous about committing to for a while now... I'm taking a hiatus from YouTube. Not forever! But for at least the month of January. This is because I'm busy creating for the Yoga Infusion Studio, giving my Yoga Infusion Academy clients 110% of my love and attention, and learning how to be the most well-rounded yogi coach I can be. I'm also changing filming locations, have the Yoga Expo to prepare for in Pasadena January 16 (if it's still going on), and am halfway through my 200 hour Kundalini Teacher Training. So, needless to say, there's a lot going on, all of which I'm super excited about. However, that means that I need to take a break from filming for YouTube. But don't you worry! I will still be dropping into your inbox weekly with our January calendar, sharing old archives of the over 200 classes that already live on YouTube, and polling the community so that we can step into 2021 with content that is directly tailored to your needs and desires. How does that sound? So are you ready to try this meditation? Great! See you on the mat!
“She writes things with her movements that I for the life of me could never write with a pen.”
― Christopher Poindexter It's not yet Tuesday, but I thought that with this week being as busy as it is bound to be, that you might like to have an extra day to enjoy your "me-time." The holiday season is an overwhelming one. Possibly more so this year, with not being able to see loved ones, or seeing them but being maybe a little uncomfortable about it, to perhaps not having the ability to provide the kinds of gifts you'd like. There are a whole host of reasons why this holiday season will be trying. But I encourage you to flow through those emotions, whatever they may be. This year has looked a whole hell of a lot different than what we expected. There is good and bad in that. But there is not wholly good, or wholly bad. So even if this week holds some difficulties for you, remember to take a step back, sink into the body, sink into the present moment, and let your eyes and your mind seek for the good and the joyous. When we focus on gratitude and joy, we rewire our brains to continue to seek them out. And when we continue to see and feel joy and gratitude, we can't help but experience a more positive perspective on life. Yoga hacks, yo. So, let me know, WHEN this week you will practice presence in today's new class, by commenting below, or tagging me on social media. In a time of giving giving giving, don't forget to give love and attention to yourself. This 25 minute intuitive movement flow was shot inside of a meditation pyramid surrounded by mountain desert on the Californian Mexican border. The types of spiralling, undulating movements we flow through encourage rehydration of the fascia, loosening of the joints, and aid in circulation to those hard to reach places. Let your body lead here. You wont regret it! xoxo, Dylan 12/11/2020 1 Comment Desert Burro Horse Stance Power Vinyasa
“Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” ― Rumi
As we near the end of the year, this year that went in a direction that none of us anticipated, I invite you to take the time to step into your own power. We cannot control the outcomes of others. We cannot control their beliefs, their decisions or their actions. And we cannot spend our lives taking those things personally. I know. I've been trying. And it's exhausting. Instead, I offer the option to step away from the external, and settle back into the internal world. When we step into ourselves, we step into our power. We learn that we can control our reactions. We learn that we can stand strong when we need to, and sway when we don't. And we learn that the only person we can truly control is ourself. When you let go of the need to control others, or the outcome, a sort of freedom emerges. Freedom from disappointment. Freedom from attachment. Liberation. So, in today's 20 minute class, we work on building the foundations that will allow us to hold ground. We hit on the legs to strengthen our intentions and motivations. We build the core so we can hold fast to our values. And we rest in an extended Savasana so our beliefs can settle in. So that we can be, just as we are. Enjoy! xoxo, Dylan
We're keeping it short, this month.
The classes, that is. There is always space in the world of fitness for 15 minute classes. Where could you squeeze them in? Lunch break? While the casserole is in the oven? While your kids are showering? While your partner is pooping? I'm just saying. The options are limitless! And that's just it, isn't it. The option ARE limitless. The options for which class to choose. How to go about your fitness routine. How to schedule your day? What to cook for dinner? What jeans to buy? What path to pursue in life. I LOVE knowing that there is more to this than the same old same old every day. There is more reason to be alive than to follow the paths and patterns set up for us by someone else. There's space to be creative. There's space to be unique. There's space to make mistakes and KNOW that the world will not end. We have this luxury don't we? Not everyone does. And not every generation did. So I offer a moment of gratitude for the fact that we live in a time and in a place and in a society and in a community that allows us the room and the opportunity to break out of the shell. And I offer this class which creates upper body strength in the flow of vinyasa. Strength and flow. Strength and Ease. Enjoy dear friend. It's short and sweet and I know you're gonna love it! |
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