12/27/2020 0 Comments Meditation to Move Energy
“Undisturbed calmness of mind is attained by cultivating friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and indifference toward the wicked.”
– Patanjali, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali I write to you once again from the isolation zone that is my bedroom, because my stepdad has tested positive and I was in his vicinity on Christmas. Happy days happy days! But it's ok. It truly is. Why? Because it's testing me. It's testing me to change the way I see things, to self-motivate, to tuck and roll with the punches that life is giving me. One of the most profound things I've learned from yoga is that everything is a teacher. Every obstacle a lesson. Every situation an opportunity for growth. I'm leaning into that in a big way right now. That and my yoga practice. This weeks free class is a meditation that is available inside the Yoga Infusion Studio (if you haven't checked it out yet, I HIGHLY recommend doing so! From one of our members: "I've been meaning to say thank you to you for the community you have created. I have missed the community you find in a traditional yoga studio, and really crave that interaction. Your community is giving me what I need. It feels so good to be able to interact with like minded people." K.K.) Anyway...this meditation is from DeZenBer, where we focused on slowing down and moving the energy through breathwork and posture, rather than intensity. I know it's a bit different from what we normally do here on Yoga Infusion, but I figure, as we move into 2021, there's no better time than to make a few changes. Speaking of changes, I have a big one that I've been nervous about committing to for a while now... I'm taking a hiatus from YouTube. Not forever! But for at least the month of January. This is because I'm busy creating for the Yoga Infusion Studio, giving my Yoga Infusion Academy clients 110% of my love and attention, and learning how to be the most well-rounded yogi coach I can be. I'm also changing filming locations, have the Yoga Expo to prepare for in Pasadena January 16 (if it's still going on), and am halfway through my 200 hour Kundalini Teacher Training. So, needless to say, there's a lot going on, all of which I'm super excited about. However, that means that I need to take a break from filming for YouTube. But don't you worry! I will still be dropping into your inbox weekly with our January calendar, sharing old archives of the over 200 classes that already live on YouTube, and polling the community so that we can step into 2021 with content that is directly tailored to your needs and desires. How does that sound? So are you ready to try this meditation? Great! See you on the mat!
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