8/31/2020 1 Comment Abs of Steel HIIT Class
“If you will stay close to nature, to its simplicity, to the small things hardly noticeable, those things can unexpectedly become great and immeasurable.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke
Good morning! Sometimes it's the simplest things in life that are the most profound and the most gratifying. A bee floating from sunflower to sunflower. A butterfly landing nearby. Birdsong in the morning. The first time you ride a bike. The smell of your favorite meal. We don't always have to create complicated sequences, follow complicated agendas, or overthink the simple things. Sometimes it's better to make it simple. No having to make your way to the gym. No having to find a mask that you can breathe in. No having to put on actual pants. Just a simple 15 minute workout. Just an easy to follow along calendar. No overthinking. No wasting time. Are you ready to enjoy the simple things? I'll see you on the mat. xoxo, Dylan
1 Comment
8/24/2020 0 Comments Empowered Goddess Vinyasa Flow
“In youth, it was a way I had, To do my best to please. And change, with every passing lad To suit his theories. But now I know the things I know And do the things I do, And if you do not like me so, To hell, my love, with you.” ― Dorothy Parker
Top o' the morning to ya! Tomorrow is National Women's Equality Day for those of us who live in the United States. It's a day to commemorate the passing of the 19th Amendment in 1920, which gave women the right to vote right along side their good ol' menfolk. Granted, I think it's a little ironic that we have a Women's Equality Day that is 1. not a paid holiday and 2. we don't yet actually have equality among the sexes....so there's that. There is still a very distinct gender wage gap where women consistently earn less than men, and the gap is wider for women of color. People speak so highly of the American dream, yet how many of us, whether we were born here of moved here for any number of reasons, struggle just to make ends meet. And even in jobs where we should be able to get by and we're paid higher wages, their still less than the wages of a white man! And then, to think, that if you had the same job as a white man, as a white woman you'd make less, and as a woman of color you'd make even less. I can't. But, this email is not all about riling up the armies and taking a stand for women's rights and equality. If you want to do that, and I think you should, definitely definitely do it. And let me know where to be and when. But I make yoga classes yeah? So this email is all about this empowering new class! It's all about feeling powerful, beautiful, and empowered in our bodies. As womxn, we have a lot of expectations thrust upon us to look, act, and think a certain way. And this class is about shooting down those expectations and stepping into our highest, most divinely embodied self. We are strong, as womxn. We live in a world on fire, overflowing with masculine energy, and sometimes, oftentimes, we need to take back our power and embrace the feminine. However, my definition of feminine does not mean weak. It means strength and fluidity. So we will explore different expressions of the Divine Feminine. I hope you enjoy it. I hope it makes you feel a little something. I hope that, whether you are a womxn or not, that you learn to embrace your feminine side and feminine energy so that we can better create balance and bring the world back to harmony. xoxo, Dylan
“We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.” ― Khalil Gibran
Guess what today is! It's the new moon! The new moon moves into Leo today, beginning to close out the Leo season. Ok, well it's today or tomorrow depending on what source you look at. But that's just a technicality. You'll know when the magic is right. This is the time to move forward with new beginnings, to set the intentions that you want to manifest during the coming lunar cycle, and get that Universe to start sending all the goodies your way. But you can only manifest the things that you've created space for. And that's what today's free class is all about. Creating space for receptivity. It's a little bit of a longer class, but you can't rush greatness. It's also a little bit different from what we often see on this channel as we work with pranayama and mudra. Pranayama is breathwork, or the intentional movement of energy through the vehicle of the breath. And mudras are specific gestures, often with the hands, that are used to cultivate a certain energy. These are things that I find myself using more and more in my personal practice, and so they will show up more and more in the classes that I create. And I would love to hear your feedback! Would you like to see more classes that include pranayama and/or mudras? Or would you prefer sticking strictly with the physical classes? Comment below and let me know! I'm building a library of classes that will be exclusively for members (for my upcoming membership site squeeeeeeeee!!!!) and would like to know what you want to see there! So give it to me, friend! Then, when you're done with that, create some space for your practice, which will in turn create space for all of your dreams to come true. Remember, the universe is already sending you everything you've asked for. Sometimes we're so focused on the exact way we think that should look, that we miss a different option toward the same goal. Other times we block that which is coming toward us with limiting beliefs or fears. A lot of times that looks like "I don't deserve this" or "I'm not good enough to have this" or "what if I make all this money and then throw it all away and I end up back where I started?" These are the conversations we need to let go of. When you are on your mat, spend time as the observer. Listen to the things you say to yourself. Catch yourself when you feel doubt or fear or anger or frustration and ask yourself why. Always ask yourself why. Why do I feel this way? Why did I just say that? How is this belief benefiting me? There will be a way that it benefits you, I promise, even if it doesn't seem like it right now. So use this class to create a space to receive. To receive all that is good. To receive all that is worthy. To receive everything you every dreamt of. I'll see you on the mat! xoxo, Dylan
“The desert, when the sun comes up...I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the Earth began.” ― Tom Hanks
Goodest of mornings to you! I know with the world as we know it cracking into unrecognizable pieces, most of us probably aren't traveling right now. That's right, and good. And it's much much safer for you to not be traveling unless it's absolutely necessary. Both for you and for those around you. But it's hard isn't it? I was supposed to spend the summer in France. I get it. Camping trips, Festivals, Concerts...you name it, it's been cancelled. But we still need to do what we can to support our sanity. If that means going camping alone for the weekend, then I'm all about it. If that means social distancing on the beach to get those sunshine rays, I'm doubly about it. If it means safely exploring a neighborhood that isn't your own, just so that your eyes can take in something new, do it. Maybe it means closing your eyes and taking a nap. I'm about that life too. Whatever you choose to do, let it be something that makes you feel good. Let it be something that makes you smile. Let your eyes feast on beauty and your soul rejoice. Move your body, stimulate happy hormones. Consume nourishing substances. Let go of the things that drag you down. And while you're taking care to do good things for yourself, I invite you to try out this week's free yoga class. It was shot, once again, in Desert Hot Springs, CA, where I went with my dad on a much needed escape. It's quick and powerful, and the perfect way to start your day off on the right (shaky) foot (leg). Bonus points if you take this class outside somewhere where there's a view! And I would love it if you left me a comment to let me know what mini escape you are taking this week! xoxo, Dylan
What is your favorite genre of location?
I would have to say that mine, first, is the beach. Followed very closely by the desert. I love the dryness, I love the colors. I love the way the plants and animals have adapted to live in such beautifully harsh conditions. I grew up hiking and rock climbing in the California desert. I would go to Joshua Tree National park all of the time with my dad. But he had never taken me to Desert Hot Springs until I asked him to this year. And it was exactly my kind of vacation. Doing nothing. Laying in the sun. Dipping into the water when it got too hot. Watching the wind blow through the palms. We even saw an owl! A real life wild owl that was probably annoyed by our staring. But I come from the city you know? Suburbs at least. We don't have owls here. So it was a wonderous experience for me! Have you ever seen a wild owl in real life? In it's own element? Not behind some cage at the zoo? If so, where? I'm coming to visit! Anyway, it was a good mini vacation. Much needed. After spending months and months cooped up staring at my computer screen. And don't worry, where we went it was fairly secluded. We weren't trying to be near crowds. We were just trying to get some good ole vitamin D! So, I encourage you, if at all possible, to do today's class outside. Get some of that vitamin D for yourself! It's important, both for your immunity and for your mental well-being. Getting enough vitamin D is vital for the absorption of calcium which in turn keeps the bones healthy and strong. It also helps with strengthening muscles, which is what we're all about here at Yoga Infusion. On top of that, it helps to boost the immune system and fight off inflammation. Let's just have a think for a second about how important the immune response is right now. Can you think of a reason that we might want to have a stronger immune system? Yeah, that's what I thought. But wait, I'm not done! Vitamin D is my favorite vitamin if you can't tell. This vitamin also has been known to help treat hypertension, which is one of the markers of cardiovascular disease. It can help you lose weight (hurrah!) and the one I'm really keen on which is that is can help battle depression. Right now, more than ever, we need to be doing what we can to support or mental and physical well-being. We need our bodies to be strong and healthy to fight illness, and we need our minds to be strong and healthy to remain positive and uplifted. And if going outside in the sun for 20 minutes every day can help boost all of these good things, then I'm going to say you should do it. So, when you load up today's new Hot Fire Flames Interval Yoga class, try to find a place where you can take it outside. And if you can't work out outside, make sure you sneak in a bit of a walk before or after. Soak up the sun, and let it work its magic on you! |
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