“If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it's not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever.”
-The Dalai Lama Ok, but isn't the Dalai Lama so knowledgable? I'm just saying... Read that again, would ya? Before we move on. Go on, read it. I'll wait. Back now? Good. Now look at everything going on in the world, in your life, in this moment, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]. If you take a step back, and look at those things with the lens of the Dalai Lama that we adopted above, do you see where your stress and your worry may be unfounded? We are all human. We stress. We worry. I was enormously stressed out all last week. It is in our nature. It is how we managed to survive this long in the world. We stress, we deal, we invent, we conquer and destroy...oh wait. Let's forget that last part for now... What I'm saying is that it is ok and normal to feel stress and concern, especially right now. But it is also important to take note of the things that cause us stress, to take a step back and look those things dead in the eye, and take away their power. Because what does stress do? Stress is our body's ability to switch into fight or flight, to keep us safe when attack is imminent, when our lives are in danger. How important is that when our lives are actually in danger? V. important that's how. But how important is the body's physical responses (I'm talking cortisol increase, perspiration, eyes dilating, shallow breathing) when our lives are not actually in danger? V. unimportant that's how. And it actually gets in the way, to be honest. It slows us down. Imagine if your body was a car, and you never turned it off but just left it running forever and ever. Think how that would eat at the gasoline and wear down the engine. Your bodycar needs a break my friend. By being able to step away from the stress, and look at our stressors logically and with self-awareness, can stop the body's physical responses and boost your overall health. Bonus: it will allow you to be more alert and your body to react more efficiently in moments when you need that physical response, in other words the sympathetic nervous system (think when you see a truck spin out on the freeway and you need to figure out how to not hit it or get hit by it). ((V. important)). So that brings me to three things. First: Close your eyes. Take one hand to the belly and one hand to the heart, and take a deep belly breath. And again And a third time. Slowing it all down. Good now Second: Leave me a comment and let me know how you're doing. Really truly. Things are beginning to change again and it is the perfect time to check in. For me to check in with you, but also for you to check in with you. Hence step number one. And Third: Allow this week's free YouTube yoga class to help let it all go. Your body is now a towel and your stress the water that's weighing it down (we've got a lot of metaphors going on today. Roll with it) Use this class to wring it all out. It'll do you good. I promise. And have a little fun while you're at it! xoxo, Dylan
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