11/20/2023 0 Comments Yin Yoga to Balance Vata [40 Min]
“In November, the earth is growing quiet. It is making its bed, a winter bed for flowers and small creatures. The bed is white and silent, and much life can hide beneath its blankets.”
― Cynthia Rylant Hello! As we head into Thanksgiving time, which I know can be a season of contention for some, I do hope that you take some time for yourself; to ground, and to find joy in this moment in time. That might be easier said than done. There is a lot of struggle right now in the world (maybe there always is) and sometimes we can feel guilty for having the things that we have while others have to beg, scrounge, and kill for basic necessities. But I don't think that we should feel guilty, personally. I think those that are struggling wish that they weren't (obviously) and that if they had good food, a stable roof, and safety that they would be taking advantage of it. So, what good does it actually do for us to go without, or to punish ourselves? That's a legitimate question, so if you have an answer, please reply. I know that I go through moments of guilt, but they don't last and then I feel guilty for not feeling guilty and the cycle continues. As we say in yoga..well there are a few things we say in yoga that might be relevant actually. But one is that we can't give from an empty cup. But also that we do not dim our own candle by lighting another. If possible, it is always best to share when we can. But I don't think that it hurts anyone to find joy and gratitude for your own life either. In fact, gratitude for your life is of the utmost importance, not just around this time of year. Gratitude is what can turn a mundane life into an extraordinary one. It is what can make life bearable for those who have nothing. Gratitude to exist, to be alive, to maybe be with loved ones, or to be loved. Maybe I'm rambling a little bit today, but I appreciate you being here, I appreciate you practicing with me, and I appreciate this wonderful opportunity I have to share these classes with you. Today's class should fill your empty cup. It is grounding, slow, nourishing, and oh so important before the craziness that surrounds this holiday season. Let me know what you think in the comments! Enjoy! Sat Nam ❤️ Dylan
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