“All that is important is this one moment in movement. Make the moment important, vital, and worth living. Do not let it slip away unnoticed and unused.” ― Martha Graham
I love a class that covers it all, don't you? It's actually what brought me to this style of yoga in the first place. I wanted to lose weight. I don't even think I considered going to a gym...and I found quick fusion yoga classes (like this week's free class) online and dedicated myself wholeheartedly to the practice. And it worked! Daily practices like this one are truly enough to cover all of the bases of your workout routine. You don't need to run endlessly on the treadmill or drag yourself through another session on the stationary bike. (it sounds dreadful to be honest) Add cardio, add strength building, add functional movements to your yoga routine and you really have it all. And if you haven't realized, that's what I try to do for you here. These classes changed my life (and my body). My dearest hope is that they do the same for you, and that you have fun doing them. Please, let me know that you're practicing with me by sharing when you do on Instagram if you have one, or by commenting on YouTube! As always, I'm grateful for your trust in me and this practice we share. Sat Nam ❤️ Dylan
“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.” ― Herophilus
Happy Tuesday, dear one! June is upon us, even if it doesn't feel like it here, and we want to be healthy (wealthy and wise) this summer season, no? Today's free class is here to help with at least part of that desire. We focus on postures that stretch and engage with the lymphatic system, which is an integral part of our immune system. In this way, we support the body's natural systems, while feeling good in the process. This class is a bit longer than we normally have over here at Yoga Infusion, but I think it's worth it for the extra time we get to experience all the lengthening and stretching in the body. As always, enjoy! And let me know how it goes! Sat Nam ❤️ Dylan
“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit” ― E.E. Cummings
Recently, a student of mine requested that I help them build up the strength to hop, with confidence, to the front of the mat. You know, we do that sometimes in classes. And of course, I said yes! I love requests! So I started designing classes that would help you develop the strength to get that hop forward. And who knows! If handstands are your thing, this might help with that too! Anyway, this class promises to build up some strength, and that's one of the main reasons we're here right? To build up strength and confidence in this here body glove that we have the absolute honor of inhabiting during this lifetime. And if you're not feeling altogether grateful for your body, I feel you. I know how hard it can be sometimes. But at the end of it all, just remember, whenever possible choose kindness. (pst, it's always possible). And that even on the "bad" days, you still show up. You still do what needs to be done. And you always have the opportunity to give yourself a little love and a little grace. Choose that love and grace today. And fun. And I'll see you on the mat. You've got this! Sat Nam ❤️ Dylan
“Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.” ― Khalil Gibran
If you're able to, I highly recommend doing this class outside. If the weather is decent, enjoy it for me would you! (It wont be here. My computer just told me that it's going to be nearing a record low for this time of the year, which I think is just rude but my partner is quite jazzed about). Not only will you get to enjoy the sun on your skin and vitamin D in your system, but you will also be able to draw up that much more earth energy by physically connecting with the earth. Earthing, or grounding, is something that is being extensively studied at the moment, and there is a growing amount of evidence that supports the physiological benefits of spending time touching the earth. These benefits include reduced inflammation, improved circadian rhythm, reduced pain, and a shift into the parasympathetic nervous system. And being that this class was filmed on Earth Day, and focuses primarily on the parts of the body related to the earth element, what better way to practice than ON the Earth? But if not, inside is fine. I wont be practicing in cold weather outside, let me tell you. There are always other opportunities! Where ever you practice, enjoy, and let me know how it goes for you! Tag me @yoga.infusion Sat Nam ❤️ Dylan
the body contains
our past emotions healing work creates space for the release of what we felt long ago -yung pueblo It's not the amount of time that we take when we're working on ourselves that matters most. It's really quality over quantity in this situation. And I assume, here, that you are, in fact, working on yourself. Otherwise, why are you here? That's our purpose, after all. I think anyway. Our purpose is to strive to become the best version of ourselves. But how can we do that without reflection; without wading through the parts of us that are heavy, or dark, or hold us back in some way. We have to cleanse those murky waters. That's one of the reasons we do yoga, is it not? Yes, we get to move the body, but we also get to experience release, letting go, and finding the breath. It's a reintroduction, almost. It's a gift. To spend time with yourself, on your mat, whether that be for 20 minutes of 75. Quality over quantity. So today's class is a short one. Designed for mornings, lunch breaks, or any of the other in between times. Let me know how it goes! Sat Nam ❤️ Dylan
“Releasing the need to be perfect is what paradoxically often leads to perfection.” ― James Morcan
Good morning, dearest friend, and happy New Class Tuesday! I'm going to make this one short, since I was just in your inbox a couple of days ago with the new calendar! I'm just here to remind you that you are amazing. You are doing enough. You're kicking ass at this whole life thing. And I'm glad you're here practicing yoga with me. Now check out this fabulous new class and have a great day! Sat Nam, Dylan
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”
– Dalai Lama Good morning! It has been a long time since I've filmed a wrist-free (or wrist-lite) class because, honestly, I haven't been having any wrist pain! The OG wrist-free classes were filmed because I had some pain in my wrist/thumb and couldn't put too much weight on my hand, but wanted to work out anyway. It's been many years since I had to deal with that. BUT, I have quite a few students on YouTube that found this channel through my wrist free classes, so I thought I'd bring it back! Well, wrist-lite, anyway. And what I mean by that is that there are some postures where you will need to put some weight on your hand (or don't! Skip it if it doesn't work for you) but no harsh flexion of the wrist and no planks on the hands! As always, though, make the class your own. Listen to your body. Do what feels good. Skip anything that hurts. And enjoy! And then, go outside and enjoy the day because SPRING HAS SPRUNG! What is your favorite part about Spring? I would love to know! Comment below and share your story :) Sat Nam, Dylan
“In yoga, great emphasis is placed on the spine. It is said that the spine is like the trunk of a tree. Without the trunk, the tree has no support, no strength, no conduit for the supply of nutrients (or in the case of the spine—nerve signals). It has been observed that when the spine is compressed anxiety tends to be high and energy is low. In contrast, when the spine is erect and ‘extended’ there is more a sense of radiance and positivity.” ― Jax Pax
Normally, I like to have a nice little bit of poetry or literature to start these emails, but today I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share the above quote, because it is oh so relevant to this week's class! Not only that, but to our lives as well. How much time to we spend in a seated position? Spine erect (or rounded, depending on how tired you are maybe), shoulders hunched, glutes and legs unengaged. It creates a lot of tension and compression in the spine, which in turn can lead to pinched nerves, lackluster muscle engagement, and poor posture. And with poor posture comes poor energy. Why? Because the way we hold ourselves matters! When we stand tall, with a long spine and open shoulders, we exude confidence. And in turn, we begin to feel confident. With one comes the other. We have to embody the energy that we want to feel (fake it till you make it) until it comes naturally to us. What do you think about this? Agree or disagree? Feel free to reply and let me know! In the interim, roll out your mat for this luxurious heart opening and spinal health class, and just try to tell me that you don't have more energy for your day! Enjoy! Sat Nam, Dylan
“To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.” ― T.F. Hodge
I talk a lot about balance in my in person classes, and it's a favorite subject of mine to teach. Why is that, you might be wondering. It's because it frustrates people. I never see more irritated people than in a balance flow. They're not irritated with me, though. They're irritated with themselves for struggling. And that's why it's a favorite of mine to focus on. Because I also get annoyed with myself when I struggle, whether that be on the yoga mat, on the side of a mountain, or in my business. For our brain, struggle is the same, be it physical or mental. We're going to have the same reaction to it. And the more we practice moving through struggle, shaky legs, and off kilter postures, the easier it will be for us to move through struggle off the mat. We have to find balance. The balance between letting go of expectations (perfect warrior III) and accepting what is (tapping your toe down in eagle). And finding the joy in the process. Rewiring our brains to remain calm, to laugh, to let go of embarrassment so that we have the space to create the balance we want so much. So, in today's free class, balance is the key. And if you focus, and have fun, you will leave with more clarity and more confidence. And if you don't stick the poses perfectly this time? Who cares! Gold star for trying!
“What you focus on expands. So focus on what you want, not what you do not want.” ― Esther Jno-Charles
If you want expansion in your life, (who doesn't?), then you need to focus on that expansion. No one wants to stay stuck where they are. Everyone has something that they would like to make greater, right? But in order to make something great, you have to stretch the boundaries of where you are now. That can be in body, but it can also be in mind. You have to break out of what is comfortable to expand into greatness. (Otherwise we all stay mediocre at best). We do this each time we challenge ourselves on the yoga mat. Here, in this sacred space, we stretch into possibility. We grow in confidence as well as strength. We learn where we're at, and we expand our horizons by contemplating what could be. So in today's 30 minute power vinyasa, I invite you to stretch beyond what you think is possible(metaphorically yeah? Don't go trying to bend your leg the wrong way). Energetically reach beyond mediocre and open your mind to the possibilities that await youwhen you step beyond your comfort zone. ✨ And if you're watching this on YouTube, leave me a ⚡ so I know that you're part of this community! BONUS! Comment below and let me know how you're expanding outside of your comfort zone! |
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